Keyham Barton Catholic Primary School

Year 5/6 - Justice Class

Mrs Chambers

Year 5/6 Teacher

Mrs Walker


Mrs Bailey

PPA Teacher

Wednesday 13th November
Today, we explored the world of mechanical systems and cam toys in a collapsed DT Day! The children had a great time learning about how cam systems work before designing and building their own cam toys that link to our Geography topic from Autumn 1 - Improving the Environment. Not everyone was able to finish their toy, but we will find time for them to do so. Apologies for the lack of photos, but it was a fairly hands-on day as I'm sure you can imagine!
11th November
Justice Class took part in the Alexandra Park Community Service of Remembrance this morning. They paid their respects to those who fought and died for our freedom and represented the school beautifully. Thank you, Holly and Lilly, for laying wreaths on behalf of the school.
25th October
On Friday, Justice Class went on a pilgrimage to St Levan's Surgery as part of our celebration of CAST's (our school trust) 10th Anniversary.  We took part in a special mini-decathlon organised by our Argyle coaches, along with other special activities throughout the day.

As part of the 10 year anniversary, we made artwork using 10p coins and will donate them to . Thank you for sending in 10p pieces - we will donate them to the Catholic Children's Society, which supports at-risk children in Plymouth.
17th October
Mrs Chambers' Science group had great fun this morning exploring the changes that happen during old age. We tried activities that simulated some of the sensory/mobility impairments that are associated with old age!
16th October
And we're off! Looking forward to a great day of learning about sustainable farming practices and biodiversity in the world around us!
Justice Class visited Shillingford Organics Farm in Exeter following their participation in the Food For Thought Conference back in the Summer Term. This was a really exciting opportunity to explore eco-friendly, sustainable farming practices that ties in beautifully to both our Geography and RE units (Improving Our Environment and Covenant & Creation respectively). 
16th October (am)
Here are some photos of our morning at Shillingford Organic Farm! We learnt how to harvest carrots, rode in a tractor trailer, got to try two varieties of kale and saw how organic farmers can produce huge quantities of different vegetables all year round! Who cares how wet and muddy it was, we all had great fun!
16th October (midday) 
After an incredibly soggy morning (it's the wettest day Shillingford have ever hosted a school!) spent harvesting vegetables, it's time for a well-deserved lunch before our afternoon activities. We've done our best to stay clean, but there is a LOT of mud - sorry parents/carers!
16th October (pm)
In the afternoon, we collected windfall apples from the orchard, practiced our knife skills to chop them up, "scratted" them into pulp and then pressed them into apple juice! Our handmade juice was absolutely delicious; Evan, who doesn't normally like apple juice AT ALL, was pretty impressed by it!
9th October
In English this morning, Justice Class blew me away by how quickly and confidently they learned the text map for our Diary WAGOLL - The Worst Day Ever. They developed actions and learned the words incredibly quickly with beautiful expression! Here's a copy of the text map we use so that they can show you (and maybe teach you) their fantastic learning!
7th October
Justice Class went for a walk during the morning around their local area. This is part of our RE unit "Covenant & Creation", where we will be considering our thoughts and feelings about our environment and our local community.
We had a great time exploring our local area this morning, spending time in Alexandra Park and Keyham Green Places. We considered how nature is always present, even in an urban area like Keyham, and we were delighted to see butterflies and hear lots of different birds along the way!
26th September
Justice Class had some great discussions in Geography this afternoon as they sorted the sustainable practices of the cities of Curitiba and Freiburg. They had to decide whether each practice benefited the environment, the people or the economy (or more than one)! They were really sensible and pragmatic in their decisions and were able to explain WHY they had sorted each practice into its place on the Venn diagram.
23rd September
We brought the story of Abraham and Sarah being promised a son by God to life in our RE learning this afternoon! After that, we had a go at retelling the story using pictures and quotations from the Bible. Maybe you could challenge your child this evening - what do they remember from the story?
20th September
In our PE lesson with our Argyle coaches this morning, Justice Class had great fun with a warm up that developed their skills of creative movement and decision-making!
12th September
Justice Class have had an amazing day today - they attended Mass and represented the school beautifully, along with reading with excellent confidence. A big Thank You to the children who volunteered to be Altar Servers!

At lunchtime, they supported their EYFS buddies up at Gaynor Hall and I have had so much positive feedback from the MTAs about how kind and friendly they were with the little ones!

Well done! I'm so sad to miss tomorrow's Celebration Assembly (I'm at a PE conference), but I hope you all know that I think you're fabulous!