Keyham Barton Catholic Primary School

Home Learning

Summer Home Learning
As this is your final term before secondary school, we do suggest trying to complete more than just the daily tasks on this Grid. There are no consequences for children who choose not to have a go at the weekly/termly activities, but it might be a good idea to start getting used to the idea of daily/weekly homework that is often a non-negotiable in many secondary schools. I cannot stress enough how important daily reading and daily TTRS practice are - they have such an impact on progress and outcomes! These are the quickest and easiest ways to boost confidence and independent learning.
Year 6 will be sharing their Home Learning at the end of term in July. 
  • The Home Learning grid for the Spring Term was sent home by Friday 12th January.

  • We cannot emphasise strongly enough how important “little and often” is when it comes to daily reading and TTRS practice. These are the quickest and easiest ways to boost your child’s confidence and independent learning.

  • Most importantly, please continue to build in daily exercise and some ‘down’ time. Full days at school will take some time to get used to!  

  • Year 6 will be sharing their Home Learning at the end of term in March. The exact date will be shared with you and them when the Home Learning Grids go out - though it is subject to change depending on term events. We will keep you updated if the day does alter.

Home Learning 

  • We are aware that full days at school, new routines, and changes to all our lifestyles can be physically and mentally exhausting, so we will be waiting a couple of weeks before introducing our Home Learning grid, which has a range of daily, weekly and termly activities the children can choose to complete in whatever order they prefer across the term.

  • In the meantime, children should try and find time to read daily at home and access Times Tables Rockstars to brush up on their speed and accuracy of their Times Tables facts. Little and often is the best strategy to boost fluency and confidence!

  • Most importantly, please continue to build in daily exercise and some ‘down’ time. 

  • Year 6 will be sharing their Home Learning at the end of term in December. The exact date will be confirmed at the start of Autumn 2.