From 1st April 2014 all the Catholic Schools in the Plymouth Diocese became part of the Catholic Multi Academy Trust, known as ‘Plymouth CAST’.
Who are Governors?
Who are Governors?
School Governors are people from the school’s local community who wish to make a positive contribution to children’s education. They MUST be over eighteen years at the date of their appointment, but there is NO upper age limit. Each term of office lasts for four years.
Governors are the largest volunteer force in the country!
They have a very important part to play in raising school standards through three key roles which are –
1. Setting Strategic Direction
This is for the short, medium and long term. It involves setting aims and objectives and setting policies and targets for achieving those aims and objectives. There needs to be clarity of vision, ethos and direction.
2. Ensuring Accountability
Contributing to the school self-evaluation, understanding strengths and weaknesses, reporting to stakeholders i.e. young people, parents and staff
3. Monitoring and Evaluating School Performance
Measuring and challenging progress and reviewing School Improvement Plans by holding the Headteacher and Leadership Team to account for improving the quality of teaching, achievement and behaviour and safety.
What do Governors do?
Our Governing Body normally meet in full once every half term.
Our Governing Body
- works as a team and is accountable for the performance of the school to
- parents, carers and the wider community.
- ensures that all safeguarding requirements are met.
- plans the school’s future direction and makes decisions on the school's budget
- and staffing requirements.
- decides how best the school can develop and supports the pupils’ behaviour and
- spiritual, moral and social development.
- makes sure that the school provides for all its pupils including those with
- special needs.
Who are our Governors?
Our Governing Body is made up of 4 Foundation Governors who are appointed by the Diocese; 1 parent governor who was elected by the parents of children at the school; 1 Headteacher, 1 staff representative and 1 community governor.
The Governing Body may be contacted through the Clerk to Governors, Mrs Melanie Harris, via the school address or email
Plymouth CAST Information
Keyham Barton Primary School is part of the Plymouth CAST Multi Academy Trust.
CAST Board Information
Statutory Trust Documents
Plymouth CAST - Trustee Reports & Financial Statements
CAST Policies
Plymouth CAST - Trust Policies & Information