Collective Worship
Worship and Prayer form a fundamental part of Keyham Barton life and we meet daily as a school, class or community.
Each week begins with a weekly whole school Celebrating the Word on a Monday, where we reflect on the Sunday Gospel. This is led by a class or a teacher. We choose a Gospel Value each week which we try to live by. We celebrate the children who have shown the chosen Gospel Value in their daily interactions in our Friday Celebration assembly.
During our weekly Prayer and Praise, we gather as a school community to sing together and praise God.
Every week, each class will spend time in prayer together reflecting on our Gospel Values and deepening their spiritual awareness by taking part in a ritual response to Word of God.
As a community, every class meets with Father Appollos for a class Mass in our church and we share Mass with the Parish for Holy Days of Obligation and for whole school events such as the May procession of the Crowning of May or Harvest Mass during the season of Creation.
Daily prayer forms a part of our school day and all children in Key Stage 2 have a prayer journal for scribing their thoughts and feelings. All denominations and faiths are welcome at Keyham Barton and we invite everyone to engage in their own way and at their own level.