KEYHAM BARTON CATHOLIC SCHOOL is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its pupils. We recognise that some children may be especially vulnerable to abuse and that children who are abused or neglected may find it difficult to develop a sense of worth and to view the world in a positive way. Whilst at school their behaviour may be challenging and we recognise that some children who have experienced abuse may harm others. We will always take a considered and sensitive approach in order that we can support all our pupils and recognise that each pupil’s welfare is of paramount importance.
We are responsible for all the children in our care. Teachers and Teaching Assistants are ideally placed to observe the behaviour patterns of children. Changing patterns of behaviour may, in some circumstances, be indicative of problems which are beyond the child’s control. By being alert to the children’s needs, staff may be in a position to share their concerns through procedure and recognised channels.
We aim:
• to ensure that children within our school feel safe at all times.
• to ensure that all stakeholders are safe and feel that they are able to put the welfare of the children first without concern that there will be any negative consequences attached to their actions.
• to ensure that all adults who have contact with children in school have been properly vetted and cleared as suitable to work and support children in our care/charge.
• to ensure that all adults who have contact with children in school have been trained to undertake their safeguarding responsibilities effectively.
We are responsible for all the children in our care. Teachers and Teaching Assistants are ideally placed to observe the behaviour patterns of children. Changing patterns of behaviour may, in some circumstances, be indicative of problems which are beyond the child’s control. By being alert to the children’s needs, staff may be in a position to share their concerns through procedure and recognised channels.
We aim:
• to ensure that children within our school feel safe at all times.
• to ensure that all stakeholders are safe and feel that they are able to put the welfare of the children first without concern that there will be any negative consequences attached to their actions.
• to ensure that all adults who have contact with children in school have been properly vetted and cleared as suitable to work and support children in our care/charge.
• to ensure that all adults who have contact with children in school have been trained to undertake their safeguarding responsibilities effectively.

Miss Sarah Rowe
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) & Headteacher

Mrs Sally McGauran
Deputy DSL and Pastoral Lead

Ms Julie-Ann Northcott
Deputy DSL and Senior Administrator
Mrs Cathy Breslin
Deputy DSL and SENCO
Safeguarding Information for Pupils
All pupils in our school are aware of a number of staff who they can talk to. The school is committed to ensuring that pupils are aware of behaviour towards them that is not acceptable and how they can keep themselves safe. All pupils know that we have a senior member of staff with responsibility for child protection and know who this is. We inform pupils of whom they might talk to, both in and out of school, their right to be listened to and heard and what steps can be taken to protect them from harm. We run a dedicated Time2BHeard every Monday, Wednesday and Friday breaktime.
LADO Leaflet
All pupils in our school are aware of a number of staff who they can talk to. The school is committed to ensuring that pupils are aware of behaviour towards them that is not acceptable and how they can keep themselves safe. All pupils know that we have a senior member of staff with responsibility for child protection and know who this is. We inform pupils of whom they might talk to, both in and out of school, their right to be listened to and heard and what steps can be taken to protect them from harm. We run a dedicated Time2BHeard every Monday, Wednesday and Friday breaktime.
LADO Leaflet
Government Guidance
Useful Websites
Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools before 9am on a school day when a child or young person has been involved or exposed to a domestic abuse incident the previous evening.