Keyham Barton Catholic Primary School

Catholic Life

Catholic Life at Keyham Barton
Our Catholic Life underpins all aspects of Keyham Barton. It is about Christ being at the Centre of all we do, in our prayer life; in our curriculum; in our community work and in our relationships.

"First and foremost every Catholic educational institution is a place to encounter the living God who in Jesus Christ reveals his transforming love and truth." Pope Benedict XVI

Our Pupil Chaplaincy Team
Our GIFT (Growing In Faith Together) Chaplaincy Team are led by Mrs Derrick - our Chair of Governors. They are embarking on an exciting journey of leading the school in our faith and developing our Catholic and prayer life.
Catholic Life underpinning a Curriculum for Keyham
At Keyham Barton we aim to embed Christ at the Centre through:
  • Manifesting a Catholic ethos which is evident and open to experience by all who enter the school.

  • Promoting Gospel values and the teachings of the Catholic Church as an integral part of their mission.

  • Modelling leadership inspired by the image and life of Christ.

  • Committing to helping all of their pupils find their own vocation in life – to realising their unique God-given gifts and talents and discerning the person God has called them to be.

  • Forming an integral part of the communion of the local and universal Church.

  • Providing a religious education …which is integrated into every aspect of the curriculum and life of the school, and adapted to the age and ability of the pupils.

Our Values
Our Virtues
Our Trauma Informed Behaviour Policy
Our Relationship Policy