The children thoroughly enjoyed our collapsed DT day yesterday where they got to design and make their own wraps. Please be reassured that all dietary requirements and allergies were take into account before we began.
After some initial reluctance to try some foods they may not have tasted before, and needing to be reassured that a lick was better than not having a try at all, many of the children found some new foods they liked, such as chorizo. When it came to making their wraps in the afternoon, the children were an absolute delight to have and were so patient and supportive of one another.
After some initial reluctance to try some foods they may not have tasted before, and needing to be reassured that a lick was better than not having a try at all, many of the children found some new foods they liked, such as chorizo. When it came to making their wraps in the afternoon, the children were an absolute delight to have and were so patient and supportive of one another.
In RE this week, the children role-played being Joseph when the angel spoke to him in his dream and told him that Mary's baby was the son of the Holy Spirit and that he should stick by her. Some of the children portraying Joseph definitely perfected their shocked and bemused facial expressions!
On Thursday this week, each class had the chance to participate in a table tennis workshop with coaches Paul and Henry from Plymouth's Table Tennis club. The children were all really enthusiastic and were commended for their willingness to have a go and for being so polite and respectful. Here's some photos of them in action developing their skills before having a go with the bats.
The Year 4 children from both Peace and Integrity class had their first lesson on area with Mrs Quick today. We used counters on grids to investigate how area is a measure of the amount of space inside a shape. The children very quickly made links between this and their knowledge of arrays from multiplication in Year 3 to deduce that they could multiply the length by the width to quickly calculate the area of a shape in counters.
This afternoon, as part of our science unit on electricity, the children learnt how to make and draw a simple series circuit. They were amazed when they were able to light up their own bulbs. Over the next five weeks, the children will continue to build on their knowledge to explore more complex concepts linked to this topic.
Today, we have had a collapsed art day developing our sculpting skills through the medium of clay. To link it to our history learning, the children have been making canopic jars. Here are some photos of the them practising making pinch pots and coil pots this morning. They were so focused and sensible, and everyone was willing to get stuck in!
This afternoon, the children made their own canopic jar designs, which we are planning on painting once the clay is dry after half term. There are photos of most of the children looking very proud with their pots. Unfortunately, a few did dodge the camera, so apologies if your child is missing. There are also a couple of pots that were finished late, so I had to take photos of those after school. I hope you are as impressed as we all were with the finished results!
We started a new unit of RE this week designed to help the children understand more about the Mass service. For our first lesson, the children had to locate key features of a Catholic Church within our church and explain their role. One of the children said it was the best RE lesson ever!
In science, the children used dental mirrors to identify which teeth they had lost and which adult teeth they had already got. The children then shaded in the teeth that they personally have (some with more significant gaps than others!) on a diagram using different colours to indicate their different functions.
All of the children were phenomenal during our lesson this morning role-playing for our Time-Slip Scarab story. They worked in small groups to rehearse one of the scenes before coming together as a class to perform the whole piece. They're ability to work together and throw themselves into their acting was a real pleasure to see. We'll be using the attached sequence of photos to help us to recall each stage of the story.
This week, we are starting a 3 week block of writing looking at portal stories. This is the model text that we will be using to help us to write our own stories. Your child will be learning and role-playing this text in class to increase their familiarity with it. Why not encourage them to show you what they have learnt so far?
This afternoon, the children worked in small groups to create models of the digestive system.
This involved crushing food (biscuits) mixed with saliva (water) in the mouth (a zippy wallet) before moving on to churning up the food in a stomach containing acid (orange juice). They then squeezed it through the small and large intestines (tights) to absorb the water before squeezing the faeces (the mixture) out of the anus (a hole at the bottom of the tights).
The children were very excited and most of them really got stuck in, but a few didn't like the smell, so preferred to watch from a distance! They did all wash their hands afterwards.
I would have loved to share photos, but my hands soon got too messy to hold the iPad!
Why not ask your child what they can recall to help them with their write up tomorrow afternoon?
This involved crushing food (biscuits) mixed with saliva (water) in the mouth (a zippy wallet) before moving on to churning up the food in a stomach containing acid (orange juice). They then squeezed it through the small and large intestines (tights) to absorb the water before squeezing the faeces (the mixture) out of the anus (a hole at the bottom of the tights).
The children were very excited and most of them really got stuck in, but a few didn't like the smell, so preferred to watch from a distance! They did all wash their hands afterwards.
I would have loved to share photos, but my hands soon got too messy to hold the iPad!
Why not ask your child what they can recall to help them with their write up tomorrow afternoon?