Keyham Barton Catholic Primary School

School Uniform

Uniform Policy
Children are expected to wear the school uniform which helps create a sense of community as well as self respect. As you are aware, we have recently made very slight changes to the existing uniform. (Namely around the colour of skirts and tunics as well as the wearing of ear-rings).

These expectations are for years 1 to 6. Our foundation children may wear polo shirts all year round.

Girls: White, long sleeved blouse; green or grey skirt/pinafore; green school cardigan or school sweatshirt; school tie (no polo shirts); black sensible shoes (smart, sensible black boots are acceptable); and plain grey, white or green socks or tights.
Boys: Green school sweatshirt; white, long-sleeved shirt (not polo shirts); grey trousers; grey socks; school tie and black sensible school shoes.

SUMMER UNIFORM – this may be worn up until the October half term.
Girls: Green and white checked dress; green school cardigan; white socks and sensible black or white sandals with filled in toes. Junior girls may wear white polo shirts and green or grey skirts as an option. (Please keep school tie for special occasions).
Boys: White polo shirt or white short sleeved shirt (if a shirt is worn, so must a tie at the collar) grey trousers or shorts; grey socks; black sensible shoes.

Shirts, other than polo shirts, are expected to be neatly tucked in!

PE KIT – Black or white shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms, yellow PE polo shirt and black plimsolls or trainers. Long hair must be tied back and earrings taken out or taped up for safety reasons. School jumpers are to be worn, instead of mufti hoodies etc.
PE KIT IS TO BE WORN INTO SCHOOL ON PE DAYS. Check with your child's teacher if you are unsure what days they have PE.

A light weight, water proof jacket is required in school at all times for the journey to Gaynor Hall in bad weather. This may be kept in your child’s PE bag.

SCHOOL COAT – please remember, when purchasing outdoor coats, that the school colour is green and that dark colours are more sensible on school playgrounds.


In the interests of healthy feet, suitable shoes should always be worn to school. Trainers are not acceptable (unless they are for medical purposes). However, trainers may be kept in school for play times and lunch times.

JEWELLERY – The only items of jewellery permitted are a single watch and plain stud earrings. (Gold, silver or diamante studs are considered acceptable).

HAIR – Please keep hairstyles appropriate for school. We know how fashionable big bows are for the hair, but these should be a sensible size and in line with our school colours: black, white, gold or green.

Thank you for keeping to these behaviour and uniform expectations – we are so proud of our children. It’s great when they look as smart on the outside as they are on the inside.

Our uniform is available from The Schoolwear Shop, 105 Mayflower Street, Plymouth.

Telephone: 01752 252025

Opening times: 9am - 5pm Monday to Saturday
11am - 3pm on Sundays (during school holidays only)

Or alternatively, uniform can be purchased online MyClothing. Copy and paste the following link into your search engine:
We are very pleased to announce we have joined forces with the Uniform Store Plymouth which is providing FREE school uniforms for families in Plymouth.  All of our surplus uniforms has been delivered to them and please if you have anything to donate take it directly to them.  They offer a click and collect service and have a pop-up shop during the Summer holidays in Plymouth City Centre. 
There are so many reasons why we should recycle and this is just one small way that we could all make a difference.
Please visit their website for more information.  The collection point is Redeemer Church, St Barnabas Terrace, Plymouth, PL1 5NN.