Keyham Barton Catholic Primary School


Christmas message

To share the Christmas message of Jesus’ birth, we put on a show called “Little Angel gets her wings”. To earn her wings, Little Angel needed to show love. Courage class showed Courage to perform in front of the whole school, Peter Pan nursery and our grown ups. We remembered our actions, songs and words. Mrs McCoy was very proud.

Table Tennis
We enjoyed trying table tennis! It was so much fun. It was great for our hand eye coordination. 

Mood meter

This is Courage Class' Mood Meter. Our feelings can be measured on a scale of unpleasant to pleasant and low energy to high energy. A pleasant, low energy feeling is calm. A high energy, high pleasant feeling is excitement. A high energy, unpleasant feeling is anger. A low energy, unpleasant feeling is sadness. We are learning to recognise our feelings using this. Feelings are like the weather. They pass and the sunshine returns.


We remember. We made our own poppies to wear. We joined in a 2 minute silence with the older children. We sent love to the armed forces. We remember.

Maths - shape

We are investigating 3D shapes. A curved face will roll down a slope. A flat face will slide. You can stack on a flat face. We are learning about the properties of these shapes. We learnt some mathematical names too. Can you find any 3D shapes at home?

Welcoming into the church

Today Courage Class visited our church and looked for the font, the candle and the cross. We talked about Baptism. We know that Baptism welcomes people into God's family.

Reading buddies

Our year 6 buddies help us to develop a love of reading. They are super role models to us.



We love to build using indoor construction. Sometimes we set ourselves a challenge. Sometimes we collaborate and use teamwork to build something together.

Gross motor skills

We use equipment in PE to develop our balance. Having control over our gross (big) motor skills helps us develop our fine motor skills. This helps with our ability to hold a pencil to draw and write.

Fine motor skills
Developing our fine motor skills. Strong hand and finger muscles help us develop a good pincer grip for holding a pencil.