Keyham Barton Catholic Primary School


“Education is an imprecise process, a dance, and a collaborative experience.”

Siva Vaidhyanathan
Information Technology is used and accessed throughout the curriculum, across all ability and age ranges. Classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards linked to high performance PCs and Apple TV. These teaching aids extend the use of personal software to whole class and create a platform for sharing personal achievement, allowing for greater learning opportunities.

The school has invested heavily in its wireless infrastructure to harness the use of brand new technologies enabling adults to provide a digital environment, rich in hardware which builds upon and extends a varied curriculum.

Computing is taught at both Key Stages. These include building on skills of control and logical processing, understanding and programming for a purpose and using technology to store and manipulate information. Children engage in both real and virtual examples of these skills and a conscious effort is maintained for learners to understand the importance of these processes in a real life context.

E-Safety is of upmost importance. Safety online, and with the use of technology is inherent across all areas of the curriculum, where special attention is required to safeguard the health and safety of all individuals. Policy and procedures are followed in any instances where there may be a conflict of safety and preventative measures are in place at all times, including filtering and monitoring.

Technology is as standard as pen and paper, chalk and chalkboard, and supports all areas of teaching and learning.
Teach Computing
Teach computing vision
The Teach Computing vision is to ensure every child in every school in England has access to world-leading computing education.
Teach computing ambition
Teach Computing aims to transform the way computing is taught in schools across the country – and enable more young people to benefit from studying this important subject. Through this, it is believed that children's skills and career opportunities will be enhanced.
Inclusion and diversity within teach computing 

Teach computing believe that every individual, and group of individuals, should feel included and encouraged when engaging with computing education. Teach computing aims to ensure that diversity and inclusion are an integral part within the planning, programmes and materials.

The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin