Keyham Barton Catholic Primary School

Home School Agreement

A Home-School agreement is a document that explains the aims and values of the school. It spells out the responsibilities of the staff, parents and children and what it expects from each of its members.

All schools are required to have a written Home-School agreement.

Parents are a child’s first teacher. They play a crucial role in helping their children learn. We aim to work in joint partnership with parents for the good of our children and the community in which they grow.

At Keyham Barton Catholic Primary school we have an open door policy which means we are always available to speak to parents and carers about your children. If we cannot speak with you immediately, we will make sure that we arrange a mutually convenient time. We ask you to come and share both your joys and concerns with us so that we build a school community that supports our children in every way. If something is amiss for your child, we will always seek to reach a joint resolution.

Children achieve more when schools, parents and children work together, and this partnership agreement will help us reach the high standard of education your child deserves.

Click the link below to view the expectations of our staff, our parents and our children.