Year 2 - Compassion Class
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Autumn Term 2
Wednesday 20th November
Today, in our RE lesson we have made a hand manger to welcome Jesus.
Tuesday 19th November
In our history lesson today, we have created timelines by looking at what decade the toys were created. The children had lots of fun learning about toys that Mrs Breslin and Mrs McGauran played with and they think we are really old now! Year 2 worked really hard on creating accurate timelines - well done!
Monday 18th November
On Monday in our R.E lesson, we listened to the Bible `story from Luke about Mary and Joseph travelling to Bethlehem. The children have used small world figures to act out the story. Here they are ...
Tuesday 12th November 2024
Today, we’ve had a special visitor from the fire service who has talked to the children about key messages - 999 number, smoke alarms, stop, drop and roll, hazards in the home and matches. The children are bringing home some information, a bookmark and a sticker. Well done Year 2!
Tuesday 5th November 2024
Today we have started our new R.E topic about Prophecy and Promise. The children have heard the story of the Annunciation and then acted the story out using prompt cards. Here they are in action ...
Welcome Back Compassion Class! We hope that you've had an amazing holiday and are looking forward to returning to school. Please find attached the curriculum overview and home learning grids for the next half term.
P.E days will remain on a Thursday and Friday so please come dressed in your P.E kit on those days.
As we are moving into winter, it is important that coats are in school every day especially for our walk up to the dinner hall.
Just a quick note on why being in school every day is super important. Regular attendance helps you keep up with lessons and ensures you don’t miss out on valuable learning. If you’re ever unsure whether to come in because of an illness, just check in with the school—our staff can guide you on what to do. Remember, some minor conditions can be dealt with by prescribed medication, so don’t hesitate to ask. Let’s all commit to being here every day, as each lesson counts towards your success!
Watch this space for news about a trip to a theatre for a Christmas experience!
Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow and hearing about your adventures.
P.E days will remain on a Thursday and Friday so please come dressed in your P.E kit on those days.
As we are moving into winter, it is important that coats are in school every day especially for our walk up to the dinner hall.
Just a quick note on why being in school every day is super important. Regular attendance helps you keep up with lessons and ensures you don’t miss out on valuable learning. If you’re ever unsure whether to come in because of an illness, just check in with the school—our staff can guide you on what to do. Remember, some minor conditions can be dealt with by prescribed medication, so don’t hesitate to ask. Let’s all commit to being here every day, as each lesson counts towards your success!
Watch this space for news about a trip to a theatre for a Christmas experience!
Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow and hearing about your adventures.
Autumn Term 1
25th October
We went on a Pilgrimage to Keyham Green Spaces.
22nd October
On Friday Year 2 were super scientists. We investigated the best material for a waterproof cape. We had lots of fun experimenting and finding out which material was the best.
2nd October
We’ve really enjoyed our soft toy friends joining us today!
Next reward we’re working towards is coming to school in mufti or fancy dress - some of them wanted this option
Next reward we’re working towards is coming to school in mufti or fancy dress - some of them wanted this option
1st October
Amazing work Year 2! You’ve earned your reward.
You’ve worked so hard and filled the jar with stars, so tomorrow bring a small soft toy that can sit on your table and help you learn. Super work!
20th September
The children had a brilliant afternoon, creating portraits in the style of Picasso. They had to think about how different colours can show different emotions.
Enjoy your weekend.
Enjoy your weekend.
16th September
The children have been busy bees this afternoon making unique places of interest in Plymouth from junk modelling. Can you spot Smeaton’s Tower, Crownhill Fort, Brunel’s Bridge, the prawn sculpture or the Mayflower Steps?