Keyham Barton Catholic Primary School


DT Day take 2!

Over the course of two days, we had a second attempt at our Bridge-Building unit in DT. We explored different techniques to strengthen a bridge, attempted to make bridges out of spaghetti (would not recommend!) and finished the day learning how to use saws and bench hooks safely in order to cut out the wood for our final bridges.
We finished up the bridges the following day and have been testing them with various classroom items - so far, none of them have collapsed!
Put your hands up if you're impressed by our Gymnastics skills! Each week this term, we've been challenging ourselves to try different skills in Gymnastics and today, we had a go at creating human pyramids!
PSHE - Mental Health and Wellbeing
In this afternoon's PSHE lesson, we explored what mental health means and the link between mind and body. We looked at how different activities can benefit our physical and our mental health and sorted them by often we should do them - every day, sometimes, if there's a problem or rarely/not at all. Finally, we considered what actions we can take that can boost our wellbeing.



  • Children can come into school from 8:35 and the school day ends at 3:15

  • Please help us by ensuring your child is on time in the mornings and let the office know in writing that your child has permission to walk home by themselves.

  • Home School Reading Diaries need to be used to record whenever your child reads at home. In Year 6, I am happy for children to record their own reading in their diaries, noting down the book title and the pages they read.

  • Reading Diaries must be brought into school daily along with your child’s current reading book to help us monitor progress in reading and offer support if needed/requested.

  • We are more than happy for children to read their own books at home, though they are still able to borrow books from our KS2 library. It is easier to have just one book on the go rather than separate books for school and for home. Anything that gets them reading gets our approval! 

  • A bottle of water (with a sports cap rather than a screw-top) can be brought into class and children are able to access these during lessons. While funky metal thermos flasks are very popular at the moment, they are heavy, noisy and their screw lids make them a spill hazard. If possible, please stick to reusable plastic bottles.

  • Break time snacks (fruit or a cereal bar) can be kept in your child’s tray/coat pocket.

  • If your child has additional items they need to bring in, please let a class adult know in advance – accommodations can be made.  



  • For the Summer Term, our PE days are MONDAYS and THURSDAYS. 

  • PE kit is to be worn into schools on PE days. 

  • The PE kit is as follows:

    • Yellow KB Polo shirt or a plain white t-shirt

    • Plain black/dark jogging bottoms/leggings

    • Appropriate trainers or plimsolls

    • Standard school jumper or cardigan. 

    • For our indoor lessons, children may need to be able to work barefoot (unless for a medical reason), so please wear socks, rather than tights, on Fridays!

    • Hair should be tied back - if it’s long enough to go into a ponytail, then it’s long enough to be a potential risk during the lesson.

    • Stud earrings must be removed or taped up



Our SATs start on Monday 13th May and are spread over 4 days before we have a well-earned fun and festive Friday to finish off the week! To help prepare your children and to reduce any lingering anxieties regarding the tests, we will be doing lots of “test prep” over the first four weeks of term to get them used to the style and structure of the week. We will also be having regular breaks and downtime to relax alongside our normal subject lessons.

If your child is feeling nervous about SATs, please encourage them to talk to us! We’re happy to talk through any concerns or worries they may have. These tests are just a way for children to show off their knowledge and skills and can be seen as a celebration of their primary school learning.


Roles and Responsibilities

All of our Year 6 children have a responsibility in supporting their younger peers with regards to our behavior expectations and values in line with our school mission statement. Though our School Councillors and House Captains play a more public role in this, we expect all of Year 6 to represent our school positively at all times, both within school and in any external settings.

It is also important that they wear the correct school uniform and keep to the rules regarding earrings, jewelry and shoes. Please contact the office if you need any advice or have queries about the school dress code.


In Summary:
Children come to school:

  • With a warm, weather-appropriate coat, which they will hang up in the cloakroom

  • With a snack, which they will put in their tray.  It would be helpful if this was separate to their lunchboxes. 

  • With a lunchbox (if needed), which will be placed on the appropriate shelf.

  • With a plastic water bottle (with sports cap)

  • With a reading book and their Reading Diary.

  • Wearing school PE kit on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS.


I can’t believe we’re about to start our final term together - where has the time gone, Year 6? It’s going to be brilliant, I know it!

Best wishes, 

Mrs Chambers