Keyham Barton Catholic Primary School

Welcome to Kindness Class

Mrs Vickery

Class Teacher

Mrs McGauran


Mrs Walker


Miss Walker


Monday - Wednesday

Miss Brettell


Thursday - Friday

Welcome to Kindness Class!


Our Curriculum

In Kindness Class, we will be looking at a fun and exciting range of topics linking across all of our subjects. Our main areas of learning for Autumn term are boats including the Mayflower, gaining confidence in our writing skills on our journey to super writer. We will also be looking at the technology all around us and discussing what makes us feel safe.                          

Home Learning

Reading: You will be expected to read daily at home and bring your Home/School link book to school every day. As this becomes an established part of your daily routine, we will then be able to concentrate more on developing comprehension skills in school.

Spellings: You will continue to practise spellings daily in school and will add keywords to your personal spelling log as well as taking home your spelling bookmark to learn.

School Jam & Numbots: Please continue to practise and learn these vital number bonds at home so that they can be applied to our learning in school. If you can’t remember your login details, let us know and we will give you these.

Home Learning Grid: As an optional extra, there is a home learning grid that includes a range of activities from across the curriculum. Any photos or work can be uploaded to Google Classroom and will be celebrated at the end of the term.

P.E. Kit

Children are required to wear their PE kits all day on PE days. Kindness Class children will need to wear PE kit on Wednesday and Friday. Children can wear black leggings, joggers or shorts with their yellow PE top and school jumper. They will be allowed to wear their coats too if it is particularly cold or wet, so please ensure one is brought into school daily. 


We are really excited about our time together in Kindness Class. If you have any queries or concerns, please contact the school office who will be able to pass on any messages, or catch a member of the team at the end of the school day.