Keyham Barton Catholic Primary School

Kikandwa Our Link School in Uganda

Keyham Barton  and our link school in Uganda.
Keyham Barton has a long established link with Kikandwa UMEA Primary School in Uganda. This link was made  through the “Food for Thought” a Devon Development Education project. As a catholic school we seek to improve the life chances of every child, raising their aspirations so they may come to serve humankind, especially the vulnerable. By following Pope Francis’ teaching in his encyclical “Laudato Si”, we wish to inspire our pupils to care for the earth, recognising “our common home”. We want them to leave us inspired to be “agents of change” working to build a better world. Our partnership with Kikandwa UMEA Primary School is central to this vision. 
Latest News from Kikandwa!
Our Chair of Governors, Alison Derrick, recently travelled out to Uganda in September 2022, to deliver letters from Keyham Barton to the children of Kikandwa. She returned with letters for us and shared this amazing PowerPoint with the children of Keyham Barton about the difference their fundraising has made! Currently we are raising money to be able to share some of our Read Write Inc resources with the children in Kikandwa.
Images of Kikandwa UMEA Primary School 
G7 film
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The Ugandan project 2021
In the summer of 2021 the whole school took part in a topic linked to zero waste and comparisons between Plymouth and Uganda.