Welcome to our new website (still under construction). Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire! (Catherine of Siena)

Governor Information

Governor Information 2023-24
Full Name Governor Type Appointing Body Date of Current Appointment End of Current Term Meeting Attendance 2022-23 Business Interests Other Governorships
Alison Derrick Foundation Diocese of Plymouth 19.06.24 18.06.28 6 of 6 meetings
None None
Tina Tuohy Foundation Diocese of Plymouth 22.05.22 21.05.26
4 of 6 meetings
North Yard Community Trust CIO.
Wolseley Trust CEDT
Sarah Rowe Headteacher Ex-Officio 01.09.23 N/A N/A None None
McCoy, Vicky Staff Elected by Staff 22.05.24 21.05.28
6 of 6 meetings
None None
Sophie Cooper Parent Elected by Parents 22.06.22 21.06.26
5 of 5 meetings
 None  None
Morrison-Hill, Brooke Parent  Elected by Parents 01.12.20 30.11.24  2 of 6 meetings
None Charity Trustee of Peter Pan Playgroup
 Cathy Breslin  Staff Elected by Staff  10.07.24  09.07.28  N/A  None   None
Governors who have left the LGB in the last 12 months
Full Name Governor Type Appointing Body End of Term
Alaine Cocker Foundation Diocese of Plymouth 22.09.23
Sally McGauran Staff Staff 11.02.24
How to become a Governor

If you are interested in becoming a governor, please contact the school office in the first instance.

If you would like to contact the Governing Body or obtain LCB meeting minutes please do this via the Clerk to Governors Mrs Melanie Harris  melanie.harris@plymouthcast.org.uk or by using the form on our 'Contact Details' page.