Welcome to our new website (still under construction). Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire! (Catherine of Siena)


Visit us 

If you are interested in your child joining the school, please contact us to discuss what we have to offer and to arrange a visit.


How to apply 

Most children join our school at the normal round, the main intake into school from the start of September in Reception. As a parent, you can apply for a place to the Local Authority.  There are different options for parents of children starting school in Reception. This includes part-time education and deferring or delaying admission until later in the Reception year or, for children with birthdays in the summer term, to the following September. Come and talk to us if you are considering this.  Do come and talk with us if you are interested in a place in a different year group for any reason.  

For questions about your child joining the school or the admissions process in general, please do not hesitate to contact the school direct or contact Plymouth CAST by email to Rose Colpus-Fricker (Chief Operating Officer) admin@plymouthcast.org.uk

If you are interested in your child joining the school/college/academy in-year (once the academic year has started), you can apply for a place through the relevant Local Authority. 

There is a right of appeal and to a place on a waiting list for places where an application is refused.  


Click to view Admissions Policies